Women's Whole Body Wellness Conference 2021


Mar 20

9:00 am


4:00 pm

$89 per person

Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
Women's Whole Body Wellness Conference 2021

We’re #1 … Or Are We?

Many Americans believe that our healthcare system is the most advanced in the world, and there are certainly many advantages compared to what may be available in other nations. However, a detailed analysis of our healthcare options reveals that they’re primarily driven by corporate influence and outdated research, rather than safety, effectiveness, and long-term cost.

As a result, we often overlook better, more holistic methods of treatment and prevention in favor of what is considered quick and inexpensive--even if it does more harm than good in the long run. This fact is even more troubling when we consider that women’s health issues in particular have suffered from a historic lack of recognition, interest, or quality research.

Now for the Good News

You don't have to depend on a broken system to get the care you deserve. Your emotional, physical, and spiritual health are not separate aspects of your own well-being; they are all intertwined and equally important. Don't miss this opportunity to embark on an eye-opening, empowering journey to true and total women's wellness that will change your life forever!

Michele Thomson
Jill Hines
Erica Manger Hamburger, D.C.
Amber Anderson, P.T.

Reserve Your Spot

Registration $89/person

