success story:


Within a few adjustments I was beginning to realize that a life with little or no pain might be possible. WlTHOUT drugs.


I was desperate, in pain, and sleep deprived when I found our chiropractors on the internet. I was immediately impressed with the professional, friendly staff and educational materials that are so available. I believe properly applied knowledge is power to be free to be all I was meant to be.

Within a few adjustments I was beginning to realize that a life with little or no pain might be possible. WlTHOUT drugs. Many of my back, leg and shoulder problems are the direct result of being a mother. I have three children. I had a lot of “sciatic nerve” problems and neck and shoulder problems from carrying children. The pain kept me awake many nights but if it was not the pain, it was the youngest child. Garrett had not slept well since he was born. He had terrible “colic.” At ten months old, if he slept more than six hours at a time, we celebrated! Our daughter who is five years old, has had bed wetting problems, as well as many day “accidents”. On a typical night I was up every two to three hours either with Garrett awake (crying or playing) or taking our five year old to the potty or changing sheets. Then when all was quiet, I would lay in bed in pain trying to sleep.

Life is so different now! All three children began chiropractic care about two months ago. Within two adjustments, Garrett was sleeping eight to twelve hours every night and taking a one to two hour nap every day! AND our five year old has not had ANY accidents, day or night!

Chiropractic care will be a way of life for us. I thank God for answered prayers in the care and education that our chiropractors have provided.

*Individual patient results may vary.

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